Covid 19

presentation covid 19 prep 300620.pdf

Well thank goodness we are getting back to normal!

Face masks must be worn in village hall unless you have a valid reason not to wear one e.g. Eating, drinking or exercising.

Please inform your insurance company is you are staying closed as your insurance may no longer provide you with full coverage.

Community Centres can open from 12th April, but the activities are strictly limited still.

The presentation to the left is from one of our Zoom meetings.

Remember you must look at the risks and do everything you can to minimise them. If you can't get the risks of contamination down to a safe level, then you cannot run that activity.

If you are worried about the financial stability of your hall, we urge you to contact your bank. Many banks have already started to send out communications explaining that they want to support business through the next few difficult months.

The ERVHN committee are also here for advice and support, so feel free to contact us.

Make sure you apply to ERYC for the ARG or closed businesses grants, if you need help please contact us.